

Formation of RESURJ

A group of young feminists from across the globe came together to develop a joint understanding of the political context and to strategize around the opportunities to advance SRHR in the lead-up to some key international policy negotiations. RESURJ emerged out of this SRHR strategy meeting, noting the palpable absence of global south younger feminists active in these spaces. 

“RESURJ by 2015” 10-point action agenda 

We crafted a 10-point action agenda – ‘RESURJ by 2015’ – aimed at influencing the 20-year review of the International Conference on Population and Development (ICPD+20) and the Post 2015 Development Agenda (Post-2015) processes. 


Our Rights, Our Lives: Women’s Call to Action toward Cairo +20

RESURJ, together with the International Women’s Health Coalition (IWHC), and Development Alternatives with Women for a New Era (DAWN), hosted an inter-generational meeting of women’s sexual and reproductive rights activists in Mexico City to discuss strategy for the anniversary of ICPD in 2014 (“Cairo +20”) and the deadline of the MDGs in 2015. The resulting rallying call, “Our Rights, Our Lives: Women’s Call to Action toward Cairo +20” was disseminated widely through various networks around the world in 2012 and was subscribed by over 370 diverse organizations across 67 countries.


Resolution on Adolescents and Youth at #CPD45

A groundbreaking resolution on “Adolescents and Youth” was adopted during the 45th session of the UN Commission on Population and Development (CPD), held from 23-27 April 2012 in New York. This was a result of the joint preparation and advocacy by a coalition that included Development Alternatives with Women for a New Era (DAWN), Realizing Sexual and Reproductive Justice (RESURJ), International Women’s Health Coalition (IWHC) and Amnesty International, as well as working closely with the Center for Reproductive Rights and the International Planned Parenthood Federation. 

Bali Youth Forum


“My Body, My Rights”

We, along with Amnesty International, launched the petition “My Body, My Rights” that called on world leaders, United Nations Permanent Representatives and international organizations for sustained action and accountability to prioritize the health and human rights of young people, particularly young women and adolescent girls, in the ICPD+20 and post-2015 development agenda and beyond.

Dialogue on Sexual and Reproductive Justice 

RESURJ brought together a fierce group of younger feminists from Latin America and the Caribbean- for a dialogue on sexual and reproductive justice. This convening resulted in “Declaración del Diálogo Latinoamericano y Caribeño sobre Justicia Sexual y Reproductiva”.


We launched a video that asks “What does your #SexRightsTopia look like?”. #SexRightsTopia imagines a place where people were encouraged and supported to live a happy, healthy and pleasurable life. A place where all people could claim and enjoy their human rights, where they were empowered to speak up, and where they did not encounter stigma, violence or discrimination in exercising their sexual rights. 


Vecinas Feministas and Young African Feminists Dialogues (YAFD)

Vecinas Feministas por la Justicia Sexual y Reproductiva en America Latina y el Caribe (Feminists Neighbors for Sexual and Reproductive Justice in Latin America and Caribbean) is an independent network of young feminists from Latin America and the Carribean. Young African Feminists Dialogues (YAFD) is a dynamic network of self-identifying young African feminist activists. RESURJ has supported and accompanied both these formations ever since they first began to organize with young feminists from the regions, including some of our members. Together we continue to conduct joint advocacy initiatives for the full implementation of regional instruments as well as making links between regional priorities and global advocacy.

Five Years of RESURJ

We turned five, continuing to be committed to fostering stronger communities by building trust, nurturing solidarity, and sharing power. We launched a video that looks back at our milestones over the 5 years. 


Launch of Reflections on Our Countries

Our monthly Reflections consider critically the social, economic and environmental aspects of sexual and reproductive health and rights and provides a platform for analysis from the ground by younger south feminists. The very first batch of Reflections went out to the world in March 2016.

Meeting on shortcomings of penal policies

RESURJ brought together a group of feminist advocates for sexual, reproductive and gender justice from across the globe to identify some shortcomings and challenges of penal policies in responding to sexual and reproductive rights violations. It was two days of fruitful discussions, case study presentations and debates that resulted in a statement and the foundation of our Beyond Criminalization work. 


The Space (now FemCom)

RESURJ and DIVA for Equality Fiji hosted the very first The Space in the margins of the 61st session of the Commission on the Status of Women (CSW). FemCom continues to provide a south feminist led intergenerational and intersectional organising space that supports a strong south feminist political voice, provides co-learning opportunities and shares knowledge, and to have fun together, decides and creates solidarity and collectiveness practices, and deepens collective work and analysis. 

Our Lived Realities: Evidence for a justice approach to the SDGs

Resurj members presented our vision for a justice approach to the sustainable development goals during the High Level Political Forum in 2017. 


A Manifesto for South Feminist Organizing

Along with DIVA for Equality Fiji, we hosted a Feminist Community of Care (FemCom) session at the Commission on the Status of Women in 2018 and launched A Manifesto for South Feminist Organizing which articulated a set of values that our feminist organizing will adhere to. These included power sharing, mutual accountability, intersectionality, deliberation, and many more.


10 Years of RESURJ

We turned ten and as part of our celebrations, we hosted a Feminist Community of Care (FemCom), bringing together those who have been part of this important journey. We also launched our “Making The Connections” report, showcasing lessons learnt from ten years of RESURJ movement building.


Expanding Mutual Aid

In line with our feminist solidarity practice and collective care, we expanded upon our mutual aid strategy to include reallocation of funds for members’ and accomplices’ urgent work in response to Covid-19.


Launch of the Alliance for Feminist Movements

After contributing to the design process of the multistakeholder initiative Alliance for Feminist Movements, we were elected into its inaugural steering group and working as co-chair along with Global Affairs Canada.