Action Agenda #1
Uphold the sexual and reproductive justice of women, adolescents, girls, and trans and non-binary people, in all our diversity throughout our lives, to ensure bodily autonomy and integrity, human rights, and fundamental freedoms.
Action Agenda #2
Ensure the leadership and meaningful participation of young South-based feminists at all levels in shaping transparent, just, accountable, and sustainable development policies and programs that enable the realization of sexual and reproductive justice.
Action Agenda #3
Prioritize policies and programs that guarantee universal access to the full spectrum of sexual and reproductive health services, which are integrated, of high quality, and available, accessible, and acceptable to all women, adolescents, girls, and trans and non-binary people, in all our diversity and throughout our lives. Provision of health services should be free of stigma, discrimination, coercion and violence, with full respect for bodily autonomy, privacy, confidentiality, and full and informed consent.
Action Agenda #4
Ensure and promote a positive approach to young people’s and adolescents’ sexuality that enables, recognizes, and respects their agency to make informed and independent decisions on matters concerning their bodily autonomy, pleasure, and fundamental freedoms.
Action Agenda #5
Deliver comprehensive sexuality education within and beyond schools, grounded in human rights, gender equality, and bodily integrity. Such education and information should be evidence based, accessible to all, responsive to children’s and adolescent’s evolving capacities, and enable greater autonomy over our decision making and lives.
Action Agenda #6
Support and uphold unrestricted access to information and communications and other technologies, which are crucial for access to sexual and reproductive health information and for the sexual expression and pleasure of women, adolescents, girls, and trans and non-binary people in all our diversity.
Action Agenda #7
Adopt a systemic and sustained human rights and justice approach that addresses the root causes of sexual and reproductive right violations and challenges the efficacy of punitive policies that further disenfranchise and criminalize marginalized peoples.
Action Agenda #8
Mitigate and reverse the adverse impact of the extractivist, neoliberal development model on ecosystems and local communities, particularly indigenous and rural-based women and girls. Regulate and hold accountable multinational and national corporations in collusion with state actors that are engaged in large scale agriculture, mining, mega projects, and commercial logging in order to uphold human rights principles, eliminate labor exploitation, land and resource grabbing.
Action Agenda #9
Establish effective mechanisms to hold multinational and national corporate sectors accountable to principles of transparency, human rights, and ecological justice. These mechanisms must halt illicit financial flows and prevent tax evasion and avoidance to protect states’ tax base, and in turn increase domestic revenue for social and gender responsive interventions.
Action Agenda #10
Resist unfair and preferential trade and intellectual property agreements, and dispute settlement mechanisms that erode the policy space for sexual and reproductive rights, and economic and ecological justice. Guiding principles and international legal standards on business and human rights, trade, corporate accountability, and extraterritorial obligations must be fully utilized to challenge corporate capture of states and to ensure that trade agreements and the private sector do not violate, restrict, or weaken human rights and fundamental freedoms for all.
Action Agenda #11
Invest in strengthening a pluralistic ecosystem of data, which collects, systematizes, analyzes and disseminates quantitative and qualitative data in order to effectively monitor and evaluate potential disparities in access to social services, with full respect to confidentiality and privacy. Data should be disaggregated by sex, gender, age, race, ethnicity, geographic location, migration, and other status.
Action Agenda #12
Guarantee and allocate public financing and resources for social protection systems and public social infrastructure, including sexual and reproductive services. Allocate gender responsive and progressive budgets for gender equality, health, and education programs. States must regulate and/or reverse privatization of social protection systems to ensure public services remain a public good and refuse trade and investment agreements that restrict states from delivering social protection for all.
Action Agenda #13
Provide financial support for a wide range of sexual and reproductive rights and health programs, including linkages with economic and ecological issues. Support movement-building by funding various forms of organizing in a responsive, non-conditional, long-term, and sustained manner.