Celebrating Marisa

February 25, 2022

Cover image by Sonaksha

This booklet was put together in celebration of Marisa Viana, who led RESURJ as our Executive Coordinator for 7 years, from 2015 to 2022. Feminists from across the Global South joined to reminisce about when each of us first met Marisa, the ways Marisa has contributed to South feminist movement building, and to wish her luck for what is ahead. We also gathered at an online Feminist Community of Care (FemCom) to be in community and wish her well.

Dearest Marisa,

Querida Marisa,

Habibti Marisa,

We are celebrating you for everything you’ve been to each of us, to our collective, to our networks of friends and accomplices, to younger South feminist movement building. We will miss you terribly at RESURJ but we look forward to your next adventures and to our moments of connection and collaboration.