Uniting for Safe and Legal Abortion: a Call to Action for 2014 and Beyond

BY Ishita Chaudhry,

11 Apr, 2014

RESURJ, HLTF for ICPD member and Youth Parliament Foundation director Ishita Chaudhry delivered a speech at UN CPOD 47 side event “Uniting for Safe and Legal Abortion: a Call to Action for 2014 and Beyond”, organized by IPAS and IPPF WHR on 11 April 2014.Here are the highlights:

The aim to focus attention on reducing the number of abortions is misguided, we need to focus on reducing unwanted pregnancies and preventable maternal mortality and access to safe abortion does that.

In this century, with all the data we have available at our disposal, there is simply no excuse for governments not to guarantee access for all women, regardless of their status, to safe abortion.