
An Illustrated androgynous woman sitting on a rock in front of a sanitary products banner, a woman with a hijab standing next to leaflet display holder named Sexual reproductive justice now


Our global advocacy happens in policy spaces such as the UN Commission on Population and Development (CPD), the UN Commission on the Status of Women (CSW), the High Level Political Forum on Sustainable Development and High Level meetings such as the those on universal health coverage (UHC). We also participate in and help shape other global spaces that provide opportunities for advocacy among social movements such as the AWID Forum, the Global LBQ Women’s Conference, and other feminist and human rights convenings. Our engagements at all global spaces aim at ensuring that our local and regional realities and priorities advancing sexual and reproductive justice are not lost or diminished. Our thought leadership work, reflections and knowledge resources all contribute towards ensuring this, and are anchored to our Action Agenda