Oriana López Uribe

Oriana López Uribe


Oriana López Uribe is a pansexual feminist from Mexico and the Executive Director of Balance Promoción para el Desarrollo y Juventud. She began her activism at the age of 15 as a sexual rights and health promoter. She works from a positive approach on sexuality, abortion and social justice. Her expertise on sexual and reproductive justice is focused on narrative change, access to education and health services. She is the Executive Director of Balance a Mexican feminist organization working on adolescents’ bodily autonomy, abortion and creating community/improving the context for sapphic women*. Oriana seats in the Supervisory Board of Mama Cash and is the LAC representative of ILGA World’s Bisexual Committee.

What brings me pleasure:

Making people release stress through a loud laugh is joyful for me. Pleasure is something I keep rediscovering and treasure, we must give ourselves the time and rest needed to spark the creativity that helps us explore our deeper pleasures.